Misty's TCG Shrine

Joined a new TCG. Delectable.
This is an automated TCG which means that cards/games/everything is hosted on the main site itself. It also means that the members don't host anything themselves, and that a trading post isn't actually needed.
To be honest, it's super convenient. I low-key love it. That said, the sudden redundancy of personal trade posts does feel a bit lonely. I enjoyed visiting people's sites, looking at their layouts and discovering other TCGs through the sites. That's not really possible, when everything is hosted in one central hub. ah well, I still joined and I'm still excited about it. I'm just a bit sentimental, I guess.

Shrine News
Added a links out page.
There are still a lot of broken links and unfinished stuff throughout the site.
I should add a paragraph saying something along the lines of "I'll fix it, little by little" - but chances are I won't. So... yea. Lol

2023.08.04: A literal YEAR has passed.
Realized the link to my Bookworm cards page was broken... fixed it.
Thinking about joining some tcgs. So out of the loop, but I recently discovered a few that are active!

2022.04.23: Uploading pages and old cards part 3.
Secret Garden, Senshi Card-Mania

2022.04.17: Uploading pages and old cards part 2.
DMK, Chocolate, MWC, Majikku Star, Bookworm, Haiiro 2/2

2022.04.03: Uploading pages and old cards. Left off halfway through Haiiro cuz I got bored.
MM old, MM new, SeGa, Haiiro 1/2

2022.03.22: Went crazy and created this shrine