Senshi Card-Mania

From SCM-R at the Wayback Machine written by Calico.
All credits and copyrights belong to Calico, I just copy/pasted the history here for archival purposes (because I don't trust the internet...)

Chances are, if you've been in the online TCG hobby for a while, or even visited another TCG site, you've probably heard of "SCM". (Senshi Card-Mania!) And if you've been reading around this site, then you'll notice how excited all of us are to be back and happy. Need some filling in? Don't worry; I'm happy to do it!

The concept for SCM, and subsequently all of online TCGs, spawned from me waking up one Sunday morning with this crazy image in my head: wouldn't it be cute if I made little graphics out of the Sailor senshi for people to collect? I'd always loved cliques - they were so much fun and brought people with like interests together. So, after I got up, I ran to the computer and began making cards. That was around January 22nd, 2002. The rest, as they say, is history.

History...with text!

I never really thought that SCM would become popular. In fact, I was well aware that my graphics were horrible (no seriously, look below) and I could only hope that I got a couple of members. Well what do you know? I guess because of the originality of the game, we grew and grew...and grew. Before I knew it, SCM was being hosted, my graphics improved...and we exploded to over 100 members. But, the biggest surprise was when, one day, I stumbled upon Chaotic, another SM-related TCG. I was flabbergasted. At first I thought that somebody else had the same idea as me, but as I looked around, I realized that I had inspired somebody to do something similar. Soon others realized that they wanted to be a part of something like this as well, and created their own TCGs. My pride liked that! XD

Eventually I took a month long break...and I thought that was long! SCM expanded into all sorts of things...a message board, a mailing name it, we probably had it. I couldn't tell you right off all of the breaks I took, but I know, that over time, they got longer and longer. Sometime around our 2-year anniversary I got sick of looking at my crappy cards and decided to revamp them. The news came as a surprise to all of the members, and some loved the idea, and others were nostalgic for the old ones. I, however, was just happy to be looking at some more uniformed and cleaner cards!

Then I'm not sure exactly what happened. Eventually I went on an extended hiatus, promising to return at sometime after I re-energized and re-did some things. Well, I finally decided to completely revamp SCM. Not just the cards, but the WHOLE site. My intention was to have all of my members rejoin, and collect new cards, rearranged roughly into the system you see now. In fact, the SCM of now is the one that I merely picked up again and completed.

But wait a minute, that decision was made sometime in early 2005. So what happened? I'll tell you what happened. I just didn't want to do it anymore. The world that I had created, the world of TCGs, was turning into something that I didn't like: Hello politics! Things were getting nasty: people refusing to credit for whatever reason, people policing other TCGs...both sides were going nuts, and me, being both a Libra and a year of the Hare, hated it. I didn't want to see my baby going into the deep end with other TCGs. Especially since what brings people together with Sailor Moon is its childhood innocence. I couldn't stand the thought.

So, SCM disappeared. For a very long time. My domain died, and so with it, the main site. I abandoned the forums, and mostly just went back to focusing on other, real-life hobbies. Of course, I never gave a real explanation as to what happened to my poor members. Eventually the consensus came that SCM was dead, even though I never officially closed it. I'll never forget the twist of guilt and sadness I felt when I realized SCM would probably never come back. I had let a lot of people down!

Not too long after that, I realized that one of my true hobbies was running a TCG. I felt very empty without SCM. However, I was not ready to return to the old world I left behind. Instead I focused on another passion of mine, Japanese music. I created Odulation! as a way for me to release my desire to run a TCG and be a part of my self-created world again. O! was a lot of fun for its 1 year+ run. As of right now I have it on...the very same path that SCM went on. I realized quickly that I made O! to be a distraction from SCM. And while that hurt me to an extant, I was also wallowing in a revelation: I still cared deeply for SCM.

One very fateful day in October, 2006, just one month after O!'s first birthday, I input "senshi card mania" into Google. What I found literally almost made me cry. (Then again, lots of things make me almost cry, haha) I found hundreds of credits, trading posts, and...the real kicker, posts that were made after I left the original forums. Dozens of well-wishers and reminiscers littered the guild, and quite frankly, and to be cliche, I was touched. I made a resolve that day to bring back SCM.

Today SCM-R wouldn't be here without the support of my friends: because I refused to undertake this again without their help. I hope, that if you are reading this, that you'll understand how sincere I am when I say I am so grateful if you are a fan. (And even if you're not, that you're reading this) I'm ready to share my love with the Internet again. And even though I am a busy college student these days, I can't wait to see how I can make people happy again!

Sincerely, Calico

December 28th, 2006

Just for fun, here is how the cards have come along since the very beginning!

Version 1 - January 2002-2004
Version 2 - 2004-2005 Version
3 - 2006-Present
